Tools for UAP tracking.

The following form is to calculate the resolution of an object dependent on its size and distance.
Question: How big is an object in angular size?
object size:   m
object distance:   m
angular size:   arcsec

The following form is to calculate the optical resolution according to the Rayleigh criterion.
Question: What is the angular resolution of my optic?
(the angular resolution of the optic must be 3 times smaller than the angular size of the object in order to resolve it)
optic diameter:   mm
wave length:   mm
optical resolution:   arcsec

The following form is to calculate the angular size of a sensor pixel according to the Nyquist-Shannon criterion.
Question: Is my sensor good enough?
sensor pixel size:   µm
optic focal length:   mm
angular pixel size:   arcsec

The following result is the number of pixels in which the object is seen by the camera (optic+sensor).
Question: How big is the object in my camera?
object size:   px
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